Website development for the premium-class cottage settlement
Web development
Real Estate
Implementation year

Create a design in the Lambery brand style. Show the versatile advantages of the cottage settlement in an unusual way, providing the maximum immersion into the atmosphere of a country life.

What we accomplished
We have collected, summarized, and structured all the information about the settlement and benefits that Lambery offers to its residents. The marketing structure of the home page is arranged in a way that each section of it enables the visitor to learn a little more about the cottage settlement, allowing the prospective buyer to imagine themselves the owner of the house. The section headings focus on the advantages and primary features. On the first screen of our home page, you will see an animated 3D visualization of one of Lambery’s projects with the change of day and night and the morning fog effect.

The peculiarity of this project is the settlement’s interactive general layout plan, which displays the present status of plots and households, allowing users to switch to any of them. It is very convenient and informative for potential buyers. A spectacular animation with object drawings is implemented in the section on the settlement's location. A «rubber» layout is used for the entire website to ensure 100% adaptability to all types of device screens.
Mobile version
Dynamic loading is implemented and lite mobile version with its own special design is loaded on mobile devices.